In 2016, Gameplan launched the Bhubaneswar Literary Meet, because a culturally rich region like Odisha needed a festival that would celebrate its literature and allied cultural pursuits — dance, music, recitation, and
theatrical performances. The idea was an endeavour to take Odisha to a wider world audience and also to bring the world to Odisha.
From the very first year, the lit meet has drawn premier authors and speakers from across India and the world, having hosted eminent delegates such as Manoj Das, Ruskin Bond, Jayanta Mahapatra, Nayantara Sehgal, Kiran
Nagarkar, Sharmila Tagore, Ileana Citaristi, Mark Tully, Nandita Das, Barkha Dutt, and William Dalrymple among several others. This lit meet has become an integral part of Bhubaneswar's annual cultural calendar and the
overwhelming response encourages us keep our emphasis on a consistently high quality of participants, and an inherent connection with the local cultural ethos.
Event Schedule
4 PM

4.30 PM

5.30 PM

6.20 PM

7.10 PM

11.45 AM

12.40 PM

2.15 PM

3.10 PM

The Universe of Jagadish Mohanty
Himansu Mohapatra, Sarojini Sahoo and Paresh Patnaik discuss the pathbreaking contributions of the author.
Release of Mohanty’s Battles of Our Own (Nija Nija Panipatha) translated by Himansu Mohapatra and Paul St-Pierre (Odia Session)
4 PM

4.50 PM

5.40 PM

7 PM

12.15 PM

1.20 PM

2.30 PM

3.30 PM

4.30 pm

5.30 PM

7 PM


Amitav Ghosh

Anirudha Bhattacharjee

Anupam Patnaik

Bachi Karkaria

Balaji Vittal

Barry O’Brien

Chanakya Chaudhary

Chitrita Banerji

Gayatribala Panda

Gourahari Das

Himanshu Mohapatra

Jatindra Kumar Nayak

Jerry Pinto

Khushwant Singh

Malavika Banerjee

Mallika Sarabhai

Mona Lisa Jena

Nikhilesh Mishra

Panchami Manoo Ukil

Pankaj Kapur

Paramita Satpathy

Paresh Patnaik

Parthiv Dhar

Pratiti Ganatra

Ratikanta Satapathy

Richard Blurton

Roshni Bajaj Sanghvi

Sakti Mohanty

Sampad Patnaik

Sarojini Sahoo

Sashmi Nayak

Shujaat Khan

Sofia Alam

Sreema Satapathy

Sudeshna Mohanty

Sudhansu Mohanty

Sujit Kumar Satapathy

Sumanyu Satpathy

Supriya Pathak Kapur

Swagatika Mishra

Tanaya Patnaik
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